
I am developing an independent consultancy service – for individuals and organisations.

I would be very happy to discuss any requirements that you may have.

My experience and qualifications are available to look at on the profile section of the website.

Organizations that could consider the sort of analysis and advice I could give include:

Commissioners of drug and alcohol services looking at quality of either existing services or specifications for tenders

Providers of drug and alcohol services wanting to improve their quality of service with independent input

Statutory or non statutory bodies wishing to evaluate the quality of drug and alcohol services

Employers wishing to explore their HR strategies for people with drug and/or alcohol problems

Employers wishing to have independent advice and help for a particular employee

Individuals may also wish to have independent, confidential, expert advice about any drug and/or alcohol problem

My background enables me to assess both the physical and mental health aspects of substance misuse problems and to see people as a whole, in the context of their background and circumstances. My personal ethos of competent compassion is the basis for my practice and patients really appreciate this approach. I aim to give people hope and a firm plan for moving forward.


Please contact me via the contact section of the website.




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